Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)

Welcome to the Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide! The game has been split into 3 lists: one main list which basically is the list for the Online Battle Hub mode and 2 DLC trophy lists which cover the other 2 main modes of the game – World Tour and Fighting Ground. So you could say the platinum is online-only, with a few exceptions since some of the main game trophies canalso be earned offline, like creating the avatar or Extreme Battles. The 3 steps of the roadmap will each cover one of the game modes. While only the Battle Hub trophies (Step 3) are needed for Platinum, it would be best to start with the World Tour and Fighting Ground DLC trophies to familiarize with the game before jumping into Multiplayer.

World Tour is basically the story mode of Street Fighter 6.In this mode you create acharacter and level up by gaining experience points, change your gear for better stats, etc. While you navigate the city in 3D, the battles are your regular Street Fighter 2D fights. You will encounter all the characters who you can make your master, which will allow you to learn their moves and choose which move your character can use.

The more you stick with the same master and use their moves, the higher the level with the master will be, unlocking more special moves and supers from them. You can also give them gifts and finish small quests for them to raise their bonds which will unlock some lore about them. Note: bond and level are different things. Level unlocks the moves, not the bond. You can choose the special moves your character uses freely, while your normal moveset (punches and kicks) will be those of your current master. You can mix special moves from different masters as long as they don’t have the same input. So you can’t use Ryu’s Hadoken and Cammy’s Hooligan since they are both performed by performing a quarter circle forward.

You can just keep beating up weaker mobs to level up your character should you get stuck in some battles. Additionally, you can use food mid-fight to heal up or to use some buffs. The wholeplaythrough takes somewhere around 15-20 hours.

This should take 5 hours at most.

Battle Hub is the main online mode of Street Fighter 6. The Lobby is built up like a club – there is a dancefloor-like area in the middle, surrounded by many Arcade Cabinets and special areas on the outer portions of it, like a Game Center, Extreme Battle, Shops, etc.

You can technically boost all of it if you like. Time needed for this modeis around 20 hours if you are not boosting.

Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (1)A Quest for Strength Fulfilled
After countless battles and considerable struggle, you’ve arrived. Is this the end of your quest for strength? The answer…lies within.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2)Earn all the other trophies from the main list of the game (World Tour & Fighting Ground DLC not required).Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (3)Get Your Game Face On!
Where’s your face, dingus? Get your butt to the avatar creator and sort yourself out! Crying shame we can’t fix that attitude of yours while we’re at it.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (4)Will unlock once you created your avatar either in Battle Hub or World Tour.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (5)So This Is the Battle Hub…
Ah, yes. Welcome to the Battle Hub. I do not know what you seek, but please, enjoy yourself. That is the purpose for which it was built, after all.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (6)Earned by entering the Battle Hub for the first time.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (7)First Encounters
Start by fighting a match in the Battle Hub. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. What matters is challenging yourself to take that first step.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (8)Earned by playing for first match in the Battle Hub. Simply sit down at one of the arcade cabinets and fight someone.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (9)There’s Always Time for Training!
How’s 30 matches in the Battle Hub sound? If yer not there yet, just keep at it! If ya wanna get sumo strong, ya can’t be shy of the ring!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (10)Earned by playing 30 matches in the Battle Hub.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (11)King of the Ring
Starting to get used to competition? Then set your sights on winning 30 Battle Hub matches. Gotta give yourself a challenge if you want to get anywhere in life.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (12)Earned by winning 30 matches in the Battle Hub.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (13)Jungle-Sized Surprise
Ever hear of Extreme Battles? They’re a little different from regular fights—a little more WILD. Try it out, and let your instincts take over!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (14)You can unlock it either in the Battle Hub or in the Fighting Grounds offline. Simply play one match in Extreme Battle.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (15)Extreme Combat Training
If you can’t adapt, you won’t last five seconds on the battlefield. Fight 20 Extreme Battles. Perfect training to sharpen your judgement.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (16)You can unlock it either in the Battle Hub or in the Fighting Grounds offline. Simply play 20 matches in Extreme Battle.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (17)Over the Top Victory
20 wins in Extreme Battle. Should be a snap for someone like you, yeah? Stomp this one flat, then aim for even greater heights! Bwahaha!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (18)You can unlock it either in the Battle Hub or in the Fighting Grounds offline. Win 20 matches in Extreme Battle. You can just beat up the AI on easiest difficulty level.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (19)Becoming the Avatar
In Avatar Battles, you can battle others as an avatar―a self outside of your self. Go there, and experience all that such combat has to offer.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (20)SeeStruggle Over Selfjust below.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (21)Fixin’ for a Fight
Nothing gets my engine revving more than a brawl between avatars, live and in the flesh! Let’s see you do 20 Avatar Battles!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (22)SeeStruggle Over Selfjust below.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (23)The Struggle Over Self
An alternate form of combat, with an alternate path to victory. Get 20 wins in Avatar Battles. But don’t obsess over the results. Let experience be your guide.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (24)In the middle of the Battle Hub (the dancefloor-like area) you can press Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (25) to get ready for an Avatar Battle. If someone else already waits there you can approach them and accept their challenge to a battle instead. In Avatar Battle you will use your character from the World Tour mode, so the higher the level, the bigger the advantage you get over your opponents. This type of battle is extremely unbalanced and you can either run into someone who is way lower than your level, or into someone who is much higher than you and will beat the lights out of you in no time. You can fish for low-rankopponents to beat them up in no time, but they will surely leave after a fight. You could also boost itwith a friend quickly. Winning 20 fights in Avatar Battle will grant you all trophies associated with it.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (26)Gazing at the Peak
If you wanna match the one-and-only Jamie Siu, you’d better be early to the starting line. Give a Tournament a shot!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (27)See Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (28)Dominating Like a Ninja.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (29)Steely Determination
The determination to stand in the ring and fight is what turns mind and muscle into tempered steel! Enter five Tournaments, and see for yourself!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (30)See Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (31)Dominating Like a Ninja.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (32)Dominating Like a Ninja
Ninja can leap staircases in a single bound, but there’s no skipping steps in training. Win ten Tournaments. It won’t be easy, but you can do it.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (33)This trophy description is very misleading. All you need to do is win 10 Tournament FIGHTS, not full 10 Tournaments! This can be done across multiple Tournaments. Just win any 10 fights in Tournament Mode to unlock the 3 trophies related to tournaments.

Capcom made available a calendar with Tournament timings here.

There are no private tournaments, you have to play public ones at the times they are available.

You can see when the next tournament is available in the battle hub itself as well at the counter run by the NPC called Sebastian. In order to participate in a tournament you have to sign up for it first – sign ups for a tournament open exactly an hour before the official start of the tournament and the spots for participation are limited!

Depending on your region there will be between 5 and 15 tournaments running at the same time, each having 32 spots. Those tournaments are divided between 5 league categories evenly:

  • Rookie
  • Iron
  • Bronze
  • Silver + Gold
  • Platinum + Diamond

South America has the fewest tournaments at a time with 5 (one for each league), while other regions have 10 or 15 (two for each league).

You have to have played Rankred Placement matches before being able to join a tournament! Without that you are called “New Challenger” and can’t enter either of the tournaments. After 10 Placement matches you will be appointed to a league and can then participate in your league’s tournament – at least this is the case for League Divided Tournaments, as of now nobody knows how other types of tournaments will work.

Additionally you can have mutliple characters in different leagues to have a choice of a tournament you want to enter. Example: your Ryu is Platinum but you Ken is Gold -> You can participate with Ryu in the Platinum+Diamond tournament or with Ken in the Silver + Gold tournament. You can choose one at a time, not both.

As of writing the tournaments are pretty much broken. The chances of getting a disconnect error are VERY high at the moment and this will simply make you and your opponent both get eliminated without losing. Personally I have been able to play only one match in 3 tournaments so far, getting a connection error in each of them. The third official tournament simply crashed for everybody and Capcom cancelled scheduled tournaments for now to take care of the issue. *Update July 29th, 2023: Tournaments are now back, but still broken.

Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (34)Veteran of Battle
Kung fu is the result of ceaseless training. Do anything enough times, and you’ll see results. So will you, once you fight in the Battle Hub 100 times.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (35)Self-explanatory. Fight a total of 100 matches in the Battle Hub.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (36)Kickin’ it Old School
Did you know you can play classic games at the Battle Hub Game Center? It’s true! Cassette tapes and cartridges might be old…but they’re still hecka rad.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (37)In the Battle Hub you can find the Game Center with Arcade Cabinets. There you can play old Capcom classics. Simply play one for the first time.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (38)Classic Leaderboard Champ
Ever try the Ranking Challenge at the Game Center? Give it a shot! It’s important to always challenge yourself, even when it comes to games.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (39)In the Battle Hub you can find the Game Center with Arcade Cabinets. There you can play old Capcom classics. In one of the games choose Ranking Challenge to earn the trophy at the beginning of the game.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (40)Entranced by Battle
Having an audience changes everything…and turns a mere fight into thrilling spectacle. Spectate a Battle Hub Match, and bear witness to glory.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (41)When you see an Arcade Cabinet with 2 people already playing, approach it and press Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (42) and choose to spectate the fight.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (43)Combat Analysis
In combat, you must constantly analyze the situation. Spectate an Extreme Battle, and hone your ability to read and react to the unexpected.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (44)When you see an Arcade Cabinet in the Extreme Battle area of the Battle Hub with 2 people already playing, approach it and press Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (45) and choose to spectate the fight. Extreme Battles are not very popular amongst serious players, so you might want to find some friends to do it with if you can’t find anyone playing the mode in the Battle Hub.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (46)Watching Gets Me PUMPED!
Ah, there’s nothing quite like a fight, one-on-one, in the flesh! If you wanna appreciate it too, go spectate an Avatar Battle!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (47)Once you see 2 players in the middle of the Battle Hub Dancefloor shadow-boxing, approach them and choose to spectate the fight.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (48)Welcome to the Stable
Sounds like the Battle Hub has clubs you can join. Just like a sumo stable! You should join one! Ooh, I wonder if they have chanko stew…Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (49)Press the Options-Button to enter the game setting and go to CFN and Clubs. Simply join one or create your own.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (50)Let the Praise Become Your Muscle
Hrrah! To fight before a cheering crowd is an honor shared by all wrestlers! Go on—try earning yourself a “Nice” fan of your own!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (51)SeeSpirit of Encouragementjust below.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (52)Gotta Be Popular! Uwo!
Uwo! My dream’s to become famous, and make Mama proud! You should become famous too! Try gathering 200 “Nice” fans, for starters!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (53)SeeSpirit of Encouragementjust below.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (54)Spirits of Encouragement
Having outside support is a bit like having a spirit. You can’t see them, but they lend you strength all the same. Get 600 “Nice” fans, and you’ll feel strong too.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (55)The trophy description is extremelymisleading. The trophy itself works in a weird way and not how one would expect. You don’t actuallyneed any “fans” or “followers”, you don’t need to rely on other people at all. What the game wants you to do is liking something 600 times yourself. There are multiple ways of liking stuff, which all are performed by pressing Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (56) in a specific situation:
  • After a match you cangive a like in the rematch screen
  • You can give a like while spectating a match
  • You can simply just go the leaderboards, click on a player and give a like there

Toactually unlock this Trophy and the other “Like” Trophies you have to goto your Profile and view it after amassing 600 Likes.

Potential Bug: If you give 100-200 likes in very quick succession, the counter might get stuck at the 100 or 200 mark. In this case, you no longer get likes when giving them to others, and you only gain likes when someone else gives you like. At the same time, this bug makes it so you can give infinite likes to a single player repeatedly, allowing you to give them 600 likes in a row (it will increase their counter but not yours). So this bug is both good and bad. It’s good because you can help friendsby instantly giving them 600 likes a row to gift them the trophy, it’s also bad because you must now rely on others to give you likes. In this case your best bet is to ask a friend to give 200 likes in quick succession to trigger the bug, if the bug triggers your friend can now like you 600 times in a row to gift you the trophy.

The counter for the likes has also what seems like a daily limit, so if your counter gets stuck just continue the next day instead.

Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (57)Pleased to Meet You!
I used to ask millions of questions as an agent. There’s a lot you can learn from people just by talking to them—try chatting in the Battle Hub.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (58)In Battle Hub you can see a chat window. Simply type something in there.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (59)Coolheaded Analysis
Reviewing replay footage is a great way to learn from past fights. Watch with a calm, subjective eye, and you’re bound to make some discoveries.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (60)After having an online match go to your profile and check recent fights. Save a replay and watch it in the options button menu in the CFN category.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (61)My Title, My Life
Earned any titles for your efforts yet? Me? Pfft. I don’t need a title. I’m Jamie freakin’ Siu!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (62)You will earn a bazillion titles while simply playing the game. The trophy will unlocknaturally.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (63)Joining the Pack
A lone wolf is strong, but they’re far more fearsome if they have a pack to call their own. So go on—try making some friends!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (64)Send someone a friend request in the CFN while checking out their profile and once you become friends the trophy will unlock.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (65)Fashion Leader
Clothing allows us to express ourselves. Know who else never changes their clothes? Animals. Change your outfit. Please.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (66)Can be unlocked either in the Battle Hub or the World Tour, simply change the outfit of your Avatar.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (67)Ready to Dance?
Have you had a chance to jam out at the DJ Booth in the Battle Hub, bud? Pick your favorite tunes, and light the dance floor aflame!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (68)On the upper floor of the Battle Hub approach the DJ Booth and interact with it for the first time.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (69)Up on the Big Screen
Sit down by the big monitor in the Battle Hub, and you can view all kinds of stuff. Man… Used to be me up there going wild on the big screen.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (70)In the Battle Hub you can find a big screen, simply sit in front of it. That’s all.
Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (71)Neighborhood Peacekeeper
You gotta help people in need. I mean, that’s the secret to keeping any city peaceful. So get out there and complete 22 sub-missions, got it?Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (72)Finish 22 sub-mission questlines in the World Tour. Many of the missions have multiple steps you have to finish, but none of them are especially complicated. Sub-missions are marked in blue on your map. There are a lot more than 22 so if you don’t like one, just skip it and do another one.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (73)Mastery’s Bond
Once you find someone to call a master, you would do well to seek to deepen your bonds. Raise the bond with one of your masters to 100.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (74)In World Tour, the characters can become your master. Once you choose a master, you can interact with them, finish small quests for them or give them gifts to raise the bond with them. If you have some spare cash you can just buy a ton of the cheapest gifts from a vendor and keep giving them to your master until it reaches 100.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (75)At Journey’s End
Oh, you finished World Tour, did you? I suppose a word of congratulation is in order. I do hope your journey was a meaningful one.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (76)Unlocked by finishing all the main missions in the World Tour mode.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (77)Leaving the Nest
That’s a wrap for basic training! You’re a full-fledged fighting chickadee now, buddy. It’s all up to you from here on out. Enjoy it!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (78)Finish the introduction training in the World Tour.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (79)Ha-dough-ken
I’ve worked a few odd jobs during my travels, and they all helped me with my training. You should take up a part-time job during your World Tour, as well.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (80)In the world tour mode part-time jobs are just minigames. Approach one of the booths, for example a small booth next the Haggar Stadium where you can break bottles in a minigame.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (81)Actions Speak Louder
Something in the way while you’re walking through the city? Here’s an easy solution: send it flyin’ with a Master Action! Mm-mm-mmm… It’s the little pleasures in life.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (82)In the world tour mode you can hold Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (83) and then press one of the face buttons to perform a move of one of your masters. Use any of them to break a breakable object like a crate.
Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (84)The Grand Jeté of 100 Battles
Fight 100 online battles via Fighting Ground. What’s that? Too difficult, you say? If you wish to take on the world, there can be no other path.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (85)In the Fighting Ground create or search for a room and have 100 fights there.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (86)Tales of the Valiant
Gonna need ya to head to the Fighting Ground and finish Arcade Mode once, buddy! It’s time ya heard the stories of your fellow fighters!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (87)Simply finish the Arcade Mode for the first time. You can choose the lowest number of Stages for it.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (88)Practical Training
You’ve heard of combo trials, I presume? It’s time you practice attack sequences. I want you to finish 45 of them. It will be difficult, but I’ve the utmost faith in you.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (89)Thereare a total of 18 characters in the game, each having more than 20 trials, meaning over 360 trials total. For this trophy you only need any 45 trials, doesn’t matter which ones you do. So you can unlock the trophy by doing only the first2 or3 trials for every character or by finishing just 2 characters’ trials completely. You can also slow down the game to half speed in the pause menu of the trials to make it even easier.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (90)Fighting Fledgling
You know how a swallow can fly at speeds of up to 200 kilometers an hour? Well, even they were chicks once. It’s all about practice! Get yourself to Training Mode!Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (91)Just enter the training mode, trophy unlocked.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (92)Fighters’ Codex
Whoa, you seen these Character Guide things? Talk about rad! They’ve got all kinds of info about people’s fighting styles and moves. Oh yeah, Bushinryu gets some rep too, naturally.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (93)In the same menu as the training mode and trials you can find character guides. Start one of them.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (94)Taking Initiative
You want to learn street fighting fundamentals? Well, too bad, ’cause I’m not in the mood to take on any students. Go hit the Tutorials, kid.Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (95)Start the tutorial mode, trophy unlocked.
Street Fighter 6 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.