Stukent Mimic Pro Rounds 3 & 4 (2024)

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I am needing assistance completing rounds 3 & 4 of the Stukent Mimic Pro- Kent's Camera Castle Marketing simulation. Files with further explanation are attached.

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Round Decisions & Tasks for:This is a complete list of each rounds decisions/tasks in Mimic Pro. Eachrounds tasks listed below have a summary of the description thatassociates each task in the simulation.In the Mimic simulation, you are competing against the computer. Your competitors aresimulated. On the scoreboard you will see how you and each of your peers did against thecomputer. See how you stack up against your peers. Good marketers use this data to helpthem determine what adjustments they need to make to their online marketingcampaigns.Round 33.1. Review scoreboard results from round 23.2: Review campaign performance from round 2Here you will find more data that will help you make informed decisions on how to move forward intothe next round. Online marketing tools provide mounds of data. Smart marketers learn from the dataand use it to help them make data- driven decisions. Look for big issues and determine what to adjustthere first.For example, do you have a campaign that saw little to no conversions? Ask yourself questions like, doyou have low CTRs on some keywords? Did you bid too low? Is your ad position worse than 5? Are thekeywords being used in the ads you wrote? Do you have low conversion rates? Use the answers ofthese questions to determine some of changes you may need to make to your campaigns.Product Selection & Review3.3:Analyze Products and Pricing Data and Select 2 New Products to SellThe boss wants to see if adding two more products to the site will increase sales and profits. Review theproducts, pricing and margins and select which two additional products you think will sell well online.Don't forget to also check the keyword data you have around those products you would like to beginselling. Search volume usually correlates with demand for a product.Landing Page Optimization & SEO3.4:Create Landing Pages for the 2 New ProductsWhile deciding upon which landing pages to create can be difficult, you might consider the followingquestions: Which landing page layout will appeal the most to your audience? What content will yourmarket be most interested in? Is your target market on Facebook a lot? Will having social mediabuttons higher up on the page make a difference? Will investing more in design and images improvethe conversion rate?However, we want you to remember that you get to call all of the shots. Just remember, the content inyour landing pages should match the content in your ads. Every round provides you with a newopportunity to adjust you landing pages. So you should be making data-driven decisions andadjustments after each round.Pay Per Click Advertising3.5:Optimize BidsYou might be paying more than you need to for your clicks. You might not be paying enough. Reviewyour keyword data.Low impressions? Maybe you need to add keywords with more monthly search volume. Noimpressions? Maybe you need to bid more. It could be other things like an irrelevant ad associate withthe keyword. Low click volume? Maybe you need to boost your CTR. It could just be a keyword with lowsearch volume. Low CTR? It could be the ad content or relevance with the keyword. It could be a lowbid. It could be a poor ad position below 5. CTR diminishes for ads based on position. Usually Position 1sees the highest CTR and 10 usually gets the lowest CTR.Use the data and adjust accordingly.3.6:Review and Adjust AdsHow did your ads do last round? Did you get high CTRs and high conversion rates? Go check. Even if it did, youmight consider writing another ad to see if your new ad can outperform the first ad you wrote. This is called A/Btesting. At the end of this round, you'll be able to see if the new ad (the B version) outperformed the old ad (the Aversion). If the B version wins, you'll want to pause the A, and the B version will become the A and you can write anew B ad to keep testing until you find an ad that wins over and over again.3.7:Do Keyword ResearchAre there more keywords you need to add to old campaigns? Which keywords should you be adding tosell your new products. Review the keyword data.*Consider the intent of the searcher as you consider the keywords you want to add to your ad groups. Is thesearcher displaying buyer intent for a GoPro Hero if they search for GoPro Accessories? What about if they searchfor GoPro Hero 4 Discounts?*Go get started on keyword research and put yourself in the shoes of different personas in your target market asyou do so.3.8:Create at Least 2 New Ad GroupsCreating ad groups is smart for a few reasons. First, it allows you to assign keywords to ads so theMimic search engine knows when to display your ad. Second, it allows you to organize your keywords ina way that makes it easy to know which keywords you should include in your ad copy. Third, it allowsyou to set a default bid for all of the keywords in the ad group which saves you time setting bids oneach keyword.3.9:Write at Least 1 Ad per Ad GroupAt the end of each round of the simulation, you will be able to see how your ad performed? If you havean ad with a low CTR, the market is telling you they don't like your ad, or it isn't convincing enough forthem to click, or it isn't relevant with the keywords they searched, or it is too low on the page and isn'tgetting enough attention. Sometimes just changing a 1-3 words can drastically improve your CTR.Round Decisions & Tasks for:Round 4 – Start after Chapter 8Review4.1. Review Scoreboard Results from Round 3In the Mimic simulation, you are competing against the computer. Your competitorsare simulated. On the scoreboard you will see how you and each of your peers did against the computer. See how you stack upagainst your peers. Good marketers use this data to help them determine what adjustments they need to make to their onlinemarketing campaigns.4.2. Review Campaign Performance from Round 3Here you will find more data that will help you make informed decisions on how to move forward into the next round. Smartmarketers learn from the data and use it to help them make data-driven decisions.Landing Page Optimization & SEO4.3. Review Landing Page OptimizationBeyond the search engine optimization aspects of your landing page, consider if it would be worth testing different layouts and orelements in your landing pages. Even something as small as a call to action being higher on the page could improve yourconversion rates.Pay Per Click Advertising4.4. Make Minor changes to Ad CampaignsGo and check quickly for any major errors in your PPC. These could be things like, ads not running, keywords with noimpressions and/or clicks, unprofitable ad groups and campaigns that are costing you significantly, but not generatingconversions. For this round, you only need to worry about adjusting to fix those major issues.4.5. Mature your Ad CampaignsDon't worry about spending tons of time making extensive changes to your PPC ad campaigns. Do be sure to go and fix anythingthat is obviously wrong like ads not running and keywords that aren't getting any impressions. Beyond those major fixes, it isgood to let them mature. More time letting the ads run will allow you to have more data to make decisions based on statisticallysignificant data.Email Marketing4.6. Create your first email marketing campaignIf the first thing you think of when you think about email marketing is SPAM, think again. When you are on the market for aproduct, and you care about the brand, and you have subscribed to their email list, it isn't spam email you are receiving. It is amessage you actually care about and might take time to read. And the best part for the email marketer is that it doesn't costmore very much so the ROI is great and the conversion rates are higher than with PPC ads.In this first email, your goal will be to write an email that will generate sales of your cameras. What content will your audiencecare to read? What images do they want to see that will keep them engaged? What unique selling propositions should youinclude? What call to action(s) should you use? Will any of that matter if the subject line isn't even appealing enough for them toclick through? You will get to select which list of email subscribers you want to send the email blast out to. The boss wants you toget this email blast out the door before the end of this round when you run the simulation. Be sure to check your open rates,click through rates and conversion rates first thing in the next round.NOTE: Each teammate should be in charge of at least one email campaign each roundEmail Campaign Gameplay Tips: Our email algorithm places a large emphasis on the subject line. Their email campaigns will notperform well if their subject line appears “spammy” by having lots special characters like these, $,?,!,@, included in it. Also, If thecontent of the actual email is short or has excessive amounts of grammar and spelling errors, then it will not perform very well. Vulgarlanguage will also negatively affect their results.
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.