Mod compatibility (community maintained) - long-war-2/lwotc GitHub Wiki (2024)

This is a community-maintained list of mods and how they interact with Long War of the Chosen.

If you won´t read anything else, READ THIS:

  • Mods created for the original Long War 2 will not be compatible unless they are also compatible with WoTC. There is no point in listing all of them as incompatible so we'll focus on the the ones that work. If an LW2 mod is not listed as compatible it is safe to assume that it will not work.
  • Strategy Overhaul: Covert Infiltration is not compatible. Full stop.
  • Check out the Alternative Mod Launcher and stay updated by joining the discord. It is a much better resource than the default launcher.
  • Rule of thumb for modding LWOTC (and XCOM 2 in general). Read. The. Description. Read each mod’s descriptions and comment section thoroughly, there are quite a few abandoned mods and it is worth a few minutes to avoid hours of frustration when you are twenty hours into your campaign and you get an unsolvable CTD. Only ask questions related to a mod when you can´t find the info there.
  • Join the #modcompatibility conversation on the LWotC Discord to get the latest updates and #lwotc-modding conversation to discuss particular issues with LWOTC-specific mod creation.
  • For general modding installation and know-how, there is a pretty detailed wiki on Reddit ( Reccomended reading:
  • - your first stop in the case of crashes, things not working, etc.
  • How to make a mod´s scripts load before LWOTC
  • Also reccomended to look at Robojumper´s blog. Particularly the black magic XCOM 2´s Load Order is:

Modding LWotC Tips:

  • Only mods compatible with WotC can possibly be compatible. If it isn't compatible with WotC it will not work with LWotC. This doesn't mean that vanilla or LW2 specific mods are automatically incompatible, but you do need to test anything not specifically noted as compatible and many will not be.
  • Install Remove Missing Mods for WotC and use it if you need to remove a conflicting mod. There is no 100% guarantee that it will prevent save corruption, but it should allow you to continue testing.
  • Nearly all cosmetic mods and voice packs made for WotC will work out-of-the-box, unless they also add other content such as missions, characters, etc. A way to check this is in the file contents: if the mod contains only an XComContent.ini besides XcomGame, XCOMEngine, and XComEditor.ini (1kb each), it´s likely safe.
  • War of the Chosen was released on August 29th, 2017 if a mod has not been updated since that date, and it is not specifically identified in the description or comments as “works with WotC” it is a safe bet that that mod will not be compatible.
  • Remember that even mods compatible with LWotC can, and do, conflict with each other. So don't assume that just because you are having issues with a mod that LWotC is to blame.
  • The Alternative Mod Laucher sometimes shows "Conflict found for 'X2Action_MoveClimbWall'" and this ClimbWall override is a method that several mods (ABA, MOCX, WWL, ...) use to enable wall climbing animations for units that previously didn't have any. All those mods do exactly the same thing here, so it's not a conflict, it's just redundancy. You can safely ignore it. From DerBK's Super FAQ.
  • Mods requiring any of the following mods don´t need them if you are running LWOTC - just ignore the missing dependency warnings in AML as the LWOTC files will perform exactly the same function.
    • Long War Alien Pack
    • Long War Hero Perk Pack
    • Long War Laser Pack
    • Long War Leader Pack
    • Long War Perk Pack
    • Long War SMG Pack
    • Long War Toolbox
    • LW2 Information Display
    • LW2: View Infiltrating Squad

Mods Required by LWotC:

Subscribe to all the mods in this Steam Collection of required mods before starting your first campaign.

Suggested Mods from the LWOTC Team

  • [WOTC] Stats on New Promotion Screen
  • [WOTC] Additional Icons (Alternatively: [WOTC] Unit Flag Extended)
  • Evac All - WOTC
  • Gotcha Again
  • TacticalUI Kill Counter (Alternatively: [WOTC] Tactical UI Kill Counter Redux)
  • Yet Another F1 (and optional addons)

You can easily install these mods by subscribing to this Steam Collection

UI addons to the above

  • [WOTC] YAF1 Autopsy Required Extension (Yet Another F1)
  • [WOTC] Core Collection Meta Mod. Adds general bugfixes to the following mods (which do work with LWOTC):
    • Overwatch All/Others WotC
    • (WOTC) UI Mod for Defense/Mobility/Psi
    • WOTC - Extended Information! - To run this mod, open the mod config menu settings for Extended Information and disable anything related to Aim Assist
    • Turrets Are Cover [WOTC]
    • [WOTC] Peek From Concealment
    • [WotC] Peek From Concealment UI Fix

Mods whose functionality is integrated into LWotC, or duplicated by LWotC.

Don't install these mods, either vanilla or WotC versions:

  • [WOTC] Perfect Information
  • Better Laboratory
  • BleedOutMod
  • Detailed Soldier Lists
  • Dragonpunk: Second Wave Plus
  • EU Aim Rolls
  • Increased Cover Bonus (WotC)
  • Long War 2
  • Long War Alien Pack
  • Long War Hero Perk Pack
  • Long War Laser Pack
  • Long War Leader Pack
  • Long War Perk Pack
  • Long War SMG Pack
  • Long War Toolbox
  • LW2 Information Display
  • LW2: View Infiltrating Squad
  • Show Defense in Armory
  • Show Infiltration percentage in Squad Select
  • Simple Red Fog
  • Skulljack Feedback Fix
  • Panic Mod WOTC
  • Realistic Panic Behavior
  • SWR Not Created Equal, and ANYTHING ADDING NCE
  • Working Scientists
  • [WOTC] New Promotion Screen By Default
  • [WOTC] Tempest Combat
  • [WOTC] Supreme Focus
  • [WOTC] Skillful Skirmishing
  • [WOTC] Not Enough Skirmishing
  • Templar Reflect on Parry
  • [WOTC] Hero Classes Rebalance
  • [WoTC] Long war Hero Perk pack
  • Ammo and Vest Slots [WOTC]
  • [WOTC] Fair Lost Targeting
  • Musashi´s Tactical UI mod - Unresolved hard crash when equipping pistol slots in Faction Hero classes.
  • [WotC] Revival Protocol Fixes
  • Strategy Overhaul: Covert Infiltration
  • [WOTC] Prototype Armoury
  • Complicated Red Fog
  • Multiple Sitreps Guarenteed 2.0
  • Yellow Alert
  • [WOTC] Squad Manager
  • [WOTC] Squad Based Roster (BETA)

LWOTC has a particular provision for not overriding mod classes added by other mods from the base game - the above trick can be used to have other mods load instead of LWOTC´s version (e.g. Detailed Soldier Lists), but be careful! This is not guaranteed to work without issues.. Those mods were integrated for a reason rather than just making LWOTC dependent on them.

Other UI addons which seem compatible (Knight of NSFW, 04.04.21)

  • [WotC] Armory Camera Tweak
  • [WOTC] Better Armory Item Stats
  • [WotC] Better Grappling!
  • [WotC] Bond To Header
  • [WOTC] Color Your Techs
  • [WOTC] Coloured PCS Icon
  • [WOTC] Extended Personnel Info
  • [WOTC] Free Reload Anytime
  • [WOTC] More Target Icons 2020
  • [WOTC] New Target Icons
  • [WotC] No Drop Down Lists With Controller Support
  • [WOTC] Passive Icons Core Collection Edition
  • [WOTC] Show All Class Counts or WotC: Show GTS Class Counts
  • [WotC] UI - Colored Ammo Bar
  • [WotC] UI - Colored Weapon Tiers
  • [WotC+Classic] Reliable Smoke
  • Blackmarket Usage
  • Show More Buff Details
  • WotC: Color Coded Bonds
  • [WOTC] Unlimited Ability Icons - Need special handling, check the mod discussions. It might be usable but you need to test it with your load order

Map Mod Compatibility:

Some map mods are just not stable with LWotC. If a map mod has been abandoned or is no longer under development it is unlikely that it will ever be made compatible. Out of the box even vanilla maps have weird LOS issues, so there is no quesiton that modded maps can have edge cases that make LOS work in unpredictable ways. This is not an issue with LWotC. Use at your own risk

These mods are potentially compatible provided specific steps are taken - but this only covers game stability, no objective spawning, etc. So expect bugs.

Eclipsezr is rebuilding his maps and releasing them individually. They are worth a shot if you are interested in his work.

TL;DR Don't run map mods with LWotC unless you really know what you are doing and are willing to deal with bugs coming your way.

Mods that are designed to work with LWOTC:

Mods from Kiruka:

  • Playable Aliens and MEC Troopers ports to LWOTC (these do not require the original versions)
  • Shadow Ops Classes for LWOTC: Full LWOTC integration of Shadow Ops Classes for LW2.
  • Buildable Units for LWOTC - this will be required for some functionality of Mod Jam such as Advent Psiops or Celatid Turret buildable version, but otherwise is not required for the base enemy/item compatibility.
  • Mod Jam: A pretty intensive compatibility patch for several WOTC mods. Designed to be modular in mind but there is some interplay between the mods it makes compatible. READ. THE. DESCRIPTION. AND. DISCUSSIONS. Easiest way to run Mod Jam is to subscribe to Sgt. Hobo´s collection (Arubiano in the LWOTC discord) which includes all requirements for Mod Jam ( Mods are still being added to Mod Jam and Kiruka has no brakes so this list is by no means complete: check the Workshop page for details
    • [WOTC] Bayonets by Iridar
    • [WOTC] Iridar's SPARK Arsenal 3.0. Ballistic Shields, Bitterfrost Protocol, Chemthrower Abilities, Immolator Overhaul and Rocket Launchers all add their features as SPARK gear.
    • [WOTC] Iridar's Underbarrel Attachments
      • Disable LWOTC´s integrated ability color HUD in LWOverhaul.ini and select "Use Base Game Ability Hud" in the in game options:[LW_Overhaul.LWTemplateMods]USE_ACTION_ICON_COLORS=FALSE
      • Note that as per Beta 4.0 and subsequent Dev builds, there are attempts at fixing this bug. See the LWOTC modding discord for details.
    • [WoTC]ADVENT Sniper. Interacts with SPARK Arsenal (Snipers are the requirement for one of the items, Sabot Ammo)
    • [WoTC]ADVENT Duelist
    • [WOTC] Advent Psi Ops
    • [WoTC] Pathfinders. Interacts with Additional Ammo Types.
    • Additional Ammo Types
    • Immolator + Chemthrower Abilities
    • [WOTC] Immolator Overhaul
    • Bitterfrost Protocol (Note: this one's changes in particular are very reliant on Advent Cryo Priest Standalone. Be sure to run them together. A Better DLC can be used instead of Advent Cryo Priest Standalone if you want.)
    • [WOTC] System Infiltration 2.2
    • [WOTC] Spart's Standalone Sawed-Off Shotgun
    • [WOTC] Celatid Alien
    • [WOTC] Jet Packs
    • Jump Jets
    • True Primary Secondaries [BETA]
    • [WOTC] Dual Wielded Pistols 2.0
    • Dual Wield Melee
    • [WOTC] Bio Division 2.0
    • Ability To Slot Reassignment
    • Additional Vest Types (Note: you'll also need [WOTC] Bstar's Perk Pack for abilities.)
    • [WOTC] Corrosive Rounds
    • Explosives Destroy Corpses: while the base feature of explosives destroying corpses is LWOTC native, this is needed for Mod Jam added enemies to also be affected by it.
    • XCOM Psionics Overhaul V3 (Note: you'll also need Mitzruti's Perk Pack, its DLC Extension, [WOTC] More Psi Abilities and [WOTC] Stormrider Class to complete the Psion Tree. The Stormrider's class itself can be disabled if you don't want to use it.)
    • [WotC] EU Psi Armor
    • SPARK Launchers Redux
    • Advent Cryo Priest Standalone (Note: this one's changes in particular are very reliant on Bitterfrost Protocol. Be sure to run them together.)
    • [WOTC] Iridar's LW2 Laser and Coil Weapons - Assets (Note: you do not need to sub to any of the mentioned requirements in that mod's description that you didn't already have before. Mod Jam handles the creating and editing of the templates.)
    • [WOTC] Playable Titan Armor
    • [WoTC] Custodian Pack (Note: you'll also need Mitzruti's Perk Pack, its DLC Extension, [WOTC] Extended Perk Pack and [WOTC] Shadow Ops Perk Pack for abilities. You can disable the Shadow Ops classes if you don't want to use them, or get my LWOTC version if you do want to use them.)
    • [WOTC] Iridar's Autopistol Overhaul
    • [WOTC] Gun Raise Animation
    • [WoTC] Purge Priests (Note: you'll also need [WOTC] Extended Perk Pack and a recent Dev Build of Long War of the Chosen for abilities.)
    • Scouting Protocol WOTC
    • ADVENT Warlock - WotC (Note: you'll also need Mitzruti's Perk Pack for abilities.)
    • Flame Viper - WotC
    • [WOTC] Ballistic shields - Note that this will add another set of shields to your game; they are different than the ones Templars use from Beta 4 onwards. SPARK Arsenal relies on this to add SPARK shields, but can be used without.
    • [WoTC] Muton Harriers (Note: you'll also need Additional Ammo Types for an inventory image.)
    • [WOTC] Advent Medic (Note: you'll also need [WOTC] Extended Perk Pack and [WOTC] Shadow Ops Perk Pack for abilities.)
    • [WotC] Gene Mods (Note: you'll also need Mitzruti's Perk Pack, [WOTC] Shadow Ops Perk Pack, [WOTC]Bstar's Perk Pack, Flame Viper - WotC, [WOTC] Celatid Alien, and [WOTC] Bio Division 2.0 for more Gene Mods, abilities, corpses and autopsies.)

InterventoR has made a ton of patches for other class and enemy mods to work with LWOTC. The Class changes are recommended to be run as a whole but the enemy mod and gear patches can run standalone. Overwrite the parent mod folders with those from the BT Mod Collection

The main 3 files are ClassPool Redux (integrates a lot of classes in the LWOTC ecosystem), Expanded Enemies Redux (ditto for enemy mods, mostly fully modular) and Raider Factions Redux (integrates 4th faction raider teams like RealityMachina´s Marauders, PumaTheGreat´s GOP operatives or SCP MTFs etc.)

  • Running Faction Anchor and Ai to AI activations is reccomended, but not required.

Mods that are undergoing some testing and/or require some manual changes to work with LWotC

Stay updated on progress by checking the #modcompatibility and #lwotc-modding channels of the LWotC Discord

There are three types of mods listed below:

1. Mods that are mostly compatible but might require some ini edits, or patches to function properly. Most Voice packs and Cosmetic/Soldier customization mod fall here, barring issues with the models themselves. You might need to add WOTC soldier classes to the Xcom Content.ini files in that mod.

  • Dedicated Pistol Slot 2.0: To use this, the integrated Pistol Slot in LWOTC has to be disabled by the following .ini edit:
    • DISABLE_LW_PISTOL_SLOT = True in XcomLWOverhaul.ini2. Mods that work but have minor issues that would need to be fixed by the original mod author (or caretaker) but are playable in their current state.

3. Mods that are not compatible yet or are actively being tested and tweaked by the community

  • WOTC Cost-Based Ability Colours - mod functions, but causes some icons to be blank. Note: LW2 includes a similar functionality that conflicts with this mod. Open the Options > Abilities menu and check the "Use Base-Game Tactical Ability HUD" box, so that this mod's icons can work. Also note that this mod is often sited as the cause of the "Geoscape Lag" bug. So use at your own risk (Clibanarius edit: Changed XcomLW_Overhaul.ini's USE_ACTION_ICON_COLORS to FALSE and now black icons are gone and CBAC looks fine.)

  • Grimy's loot mod (WOTC) - item spawn rate not working as intended. Only will drop conventional-grade weapons by default right now. Note: spawn rate can be adjusted in config file

  • Quicker Start - Correctly skips Gatecrasher, but soldiers will not be awarded XP

  • Drone Reveal Animation - Activation effects remain suspended in the air after the drone goes through the animation

  • Don't unequip - It seems to work sometime, but soldiers still unequip in a few occasions.

  • [WotC] I am the commander here - You need to turn on the 'xLWOTC' option in workshop\content\68500\1129770962\Config\XComImTheCommanderHere.ini.

  • WOTC Idle Suppression - technically mod functions as intended, but LW2 generally has a higher # of actors on screen at any one time, so the mod drains system resources very quickly.

  • Allies Unknown - As it adds a new faction on the map, but for some reason it causes the game performance in battle to go down considerably. Note: This was the case in LW2 as well, it is unlikely to be corrected18.04.2021, Knight of NSFW: I have noticed this happens only with specific Resistance Orders (e.g. Alien Defector, Xenomedicine). Bigger issue is that it offers free resistance operations at no cost (since there is no tied Chosen for an ambush)

    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Asari
    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Krogans
    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Quarians
    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Rogue ADVENT Hybrids
    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Salarians
    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Turians
    • Allies Unknown Species Mod: Twi'leks
    • Allies Unknown Species(?) Mod: HK-Series Droids
    • Allies Unknown: War or the Chosen Edition
  • Chimera Perk Pack and Classes - "(May work if you actively splice CPP abilities and/or disable CPP Long War scripts)"

Musashi's RPG Overhaul

There appear to be incompatibilities due to the integration of New Promotion Screen By Default (NPSBD) and [WOTC] Detailed Soldier Lists (DSL) into both mods. A switch has been added to prevent the conflict with NPSBD but it doesn't address the GeoScape lag issue.If you have experience running RPGO and LWotC together please post it here (deaconivory 2021.12.16)

**_Update 2022.03.27: A new mod has been released that works to resolve incompatibilities between LWotC and RPGO. RPGO & LWOTC - Compatibility and Balance Patch

Strategy Overhaul: Covert Infiltration

This mod and its bridges are not compatible. Full stop.

LWotC Incompatible Mods:

  • Additional Mission Types Redux: missions are not set up for LWOTC interaction.
  • [WOTC] Dedicated Pistol Slot: use the 2.0 version and read the notes above.
  • [WOTC] LW2 Primary Secondaries - use True Primary Secondaries instead.
  • Primary Secondaries - idem.
  • ANYTHING involving breakthroughs (they are disabled in LWOTC)
  • After max level advancement - has issues with soldiers at rank 8.
  • Playable XCOM 2 Aliens (added 2019.09.27) - use Kiruka´s version.
  • Sabotage Covert Action Rebalance - LWOTC already does this.
  • Covert Action Missions - it will cause your soldiers to be stuck in the limbo if you miss the infiltration timer, as they are not set up for LWOTC. Adding these to the Quick Launch list (XComLW_InfiltrationSettings.ini). Note all these missions can break LWOTC economy hard since they won´t be regulated by the Alien Activity system. Use at own discretion.
  • Rising Tides: The Program - Seems to cause a CTD when launching a new mission from the globe map.



  • Any mod adding classes is likely "compatible" but won´t be set up for LWOTC so performance can be inconsistent. Your mileage may vary.

LWotC Compatible Mods:

If a mod is on this list someone has tested it with LWotC and is confident enough to claim that they are compatible. Nothing in modding can ever be 100% accurate for every circ*mstance and load order, but installing these mods is probably a safe bet. (updated 2019/12/30 - Deacon Ivory)

(2021.12.16 Deacon Ivory) Note: The last time I checked this list was 2 years ago, so I have no knowledge of where these mods stand now. So, instead of relying on very old information the best option is to use the collections from current LWotC players:

Der Ava's Mod Jam Collection

p51douglas LWotC Collection

Venator's LWOTC Collection

Kaen's LWOTC Modlist - Long War of the Chosen

Kaen's LWOTC Mod Jam MEGAPACK (Long War of the Chosen, Modjam)

Sgt Hobo's QOL Collection for LWOTC

Illogical's LWOTC BASICS

We'll leave these up, but the collections above are a much better resource.

  • (AL) APEX LEGENDS: Wraith [WOTC]
  • (WOTC) Zip Mode Combat Protocol Camera Fix
  • (WOTC+TLP) Plasma Fan Fire Fix
  • [WOTC] Additional Icons
  • [WOTC] Additional Soldier Console Commands
  • [WOTC] Advent Flashlights
  • [WotC] Armory Camera Tweak
  • [WOTC] Better Repeater
  • [WotC] Bond To Header
  • [WOTC] Cinematic Rapid Fire (and other abilities)
  • [WOTC] Civilians Revamped
  • [WOTC] Extended Perk Pack
  • [WOTC] Extended Personnel Info
  • [WOTC] Facility Clearing UI Indicator Fix
  • [WOTC] Faster Reload Animations
  • [WOTC] Free Reload Anytime
  • [WOTC] Gene Mods
  • [WotC] Get A Rifle Grip! - Animation Fix
  • [WOTC] Gotcha Again
  • [WOTC] Hand to Hand Abilities
  • [WOTC] Helmet Glass Fix Complete Edition
  • [WOTC] Hours Instead of Days
  • [WOTC] Instant Loot
  • [WOTC] Invisible Parts For Hero Units
  • [WOTC] Iridar's Weapon Skin Replacer
  • [WOTC] Less Overwatch Lock Ups!
  • [WOTC] LifetimeStats
  • [WOTC] Loot Mind Control
  • [WOTC] Mechatronic Warfare: Total SPARK Overhaul - Note some conflicts with Mod Jam
  • [WOTC] Military Camouflage Patterns
  • [WOTC] Modify Continent Bonus
  • [WOTC] New Target Icons
  • [WOTC] Numeric Health Display
  • [WOTC] Passive Icons
  • [WOTC] Peek From Concealment
  • [WOTC] Peek From Concealment UI Fix
  • [WOTC] Quick Soldier Info
  • [WOTC] Random Soldier Info Mod
  • [WotC] Resident Evil: Hunk's Outfit
  • [WotC] Resistance Firearms - Assets
  • [WotC] Resistance Firearms - Attachments
  • [WotC] Resistance Firearms - Main Module
  • [WOTC] Robotic Spectre
  • [WOTC] Shadow Ops Perk Pack
  • [WOTC] Stats on New Promotion Screen
  • [WOTC] Titanfall Sparks
  • [WOTC] TLP Conventional Weapons with Vanilla Attachments - note these won´t be balanced for LWOTC!
  • [WOTC] TLP Magnetic Weapons with Laser Attachments - note these won´t be balanced for LWOTC!
  • [WOTC] TLP Plasma Weapons with Visual Attachments - note these won´t be balanced for LWOTC!
  • [WOTC] TLP Tier Replacer with Visual Upgrades - note these won´t be balanced for LWOTC!
  • [WOTC] Weapon Skin Replacer Configuration
  • [WOTC] XCom Scamper
  • [WotC][LWotC] Global Weapon Stat Changer
  • [WotC+Classic] Reliable Smoke
  • [WOTC+Classic] TacticalUI KillCounter
  • [WOTC+TLP] Remove Rizzo
  • Add Part Names
  • Ammo Pocket Fix
  • Better Debug Camera (Unofficial WOTC Version)
  • Black Market Usage
  • Bondmates with More Benefits - note this will cause your Phantom and Shadow soldiers to break concealment if they fire upon enemies attacking bondmates.
  • Buildable Geths
  • Cannon Animation Redux
  • Clean Camera Angles Fix
  • Clean Cinematic
  • Commander's Choice [WOTC & Vanilla] - don´t promote soldiers from the post-mission menu.
  • Cosmetic Katana Pack
  • Cost Based Ability Colors - Requires editing LWotC's XComLW_Overhaul.ini. Set USE_ACTION_ICON_COLORS=FALSE
  • Custom Soldiers Evac Zone Fix
  • Disable any class
  • Disable More VO
  • Drone Reveal Animation
  • Evac All WotC
  • Extract Corpses WOTC - This unbalances the game, HARD.
  • Flamer mod 2
  • Gravely Wounded Scars
  • Grey Smoke Grenade
  • Grim Style Armor
  • Grimy's Loot Mod WOTC - Use InterventoR´s patches listed above.
  • Hack Plus - WOTC
  • Hush Little Chosen
  • Improved Camera Updated WotC
  • Ink and paint
  • Instant Avenger Menus - WOTC
  • iSky Big LW2 Name Mod
  • Less overwatch lockups
  • LOS Preview Ability
  • Make Heals Persist
  • Missing FX Packages Fix + Resource
  • Moddable DLC Weapons
  • More Cities
  • More Mission SitReps
  • More Nations and Names WotC
  • More Points Of Interest (WOTC)
  • More Resistance Order pages
  • Multiple Covert Actions - Needs new game
  • Narrative Control
  • No Drop-down Lists With Controller Support
  • No Reveal Cinematics
  • Numeric Health Display
  • Overwatch All/others
  • Peek From Concealment UI Fix (REQUIRES Gotcha Again to function)
  • Recruit Multiple Heroes From All
  • Reliable Ever Vigilant
  • Remove Missing Mods for WotC
  • Reward Decks Refresher
  • Show Health Values
  • Show More Buff Details
  • SIGINT Soldier Nicknames
  • Skirmisher Cape
  • Smart Overwatch All (fomerly "Quick End Turn") [WotC] XComAI.ini version that knows about SteadyWeapon and OneForAll
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Soldier's development
  • Soundtrack Restoration
  • Soundtrack Restoration WotC + TLE
  • SPARK Ammo Slot [WOTC]
  • Spart's DLCBashes
  • Spart's ResistanceBashes
  • Still Stop Wasting My Time
  • Stop Wasting My Time - WotC
  • SWR Full Crew Avenger WotC
  • [WOTC+Classic] TacticalUI KillCounter - use RustyDios version is reccomended [WOTC] Tactical UI Kill Counter Redux
  • Tower Detection Fix [WOTC]
  • Turrets Are Cover [WOTC]
  • Unrestricted Customization WOTC
  • Unrestricted Skirmisher Reflexes
  • Upcoming Events [WotC]
  • Upcoming events in hours WOTC
  • Warden Gear [WOTC Now Friednly]
  • Wear Armour On Avenger
  • WOTC - Configurable Headshots
  • WOTC dropship naration blackscreen fix
  • WotC Enhanced AoE Preview
  • WOTC Flawless
  • WOTC Katana Pack Reloaded
  • WotC Mod Everything Reloaded
  • WOTC New Heads Pack
  • WOTC Save Games Delete All Option
  • WOTC Show Health Values
  • WotC Stealth Overhaul
  • WotC Tactical Suppressors
  • WotC: Color Coded Bonds
  • Yet Another F1
  • More Cities WotC
  • [WOTC] Civilians Revamped
  • WotC: Show GTS Class Counts

User Requests (a.k.a. Community Wish-list)

Mods that are commonly requested. Feel free to subscribe to them and test them out. Report back with your findings.

  • More Resistance Ops
  • WOTC Electrical Damage Consistency
  • Cross Weapon Training
  • [WOTC] Disposable Rocket Launchers
  • [WOTC] Soldier Development
  • Mod Achievement System
  • New Countries
  • [WOTC] Spart's Standalone Multipurpose Combat Rifles_ - Note: visual changes only, damages are the same as default weapons of same type.
  • No rank up throttling
  • [WOTC] SPARK Repair Fix
  • Facilities+
  • Metal Over Flesh: Redux
  • [WotC] Mission Overhaul: Core
  • [WotC] Mission Overhaul: Mercury
  • [WOTC] The Hive
  • [WotC] World War L

Additional mods currently tested by p51douglas:

(5/20/21) The mods I have in my list are here: p51douglas' LWOTC Modlist. Please note that this list WILL make your game harder. Not recommended for inexperienced WOTC/LWOTC players and suggested difficulty is Veteran/Commander. Please contact me on Discord with issues or feedback.

Four collections of currently in use, compatible but not in use, incompatible and in-need-of-more-testing, by Kaeso Venator:

(4/12/20) The following link should take you to my collections: Kaeso Venator's LWOTC mods collections. I'll try to expand the descriptions as needed. The currently in use mods will make your game easier, and I am planning to remove several of them for the next campaign. If you have any questions, contact me on Steam or on Discord (Venator#8754)

Mod compatibility (community maintained) - long-war-2/lwotc GitHub Wiki (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.