Missions (LWOTC) - UFOpaedia (2024)

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  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Enemy Activity
  • 2 Mission Table
  • 3 Generating Missions
  • 4 Types of Missions
    • 4.1 Guerrilla Operations
    • 4.2 Retaliation Missions
    • 4.3 Liberation Missions
    • 4.4 UFO Hunt
  • 5 Collecting Enemy Corpses
    • 5.1 Strategy


Enemy Activity

Enemy Activity refers to the quantity of enemies deployed on a map. Enemy Activity Level is an estimation of the number of enemy units you will encounter at 100% infiltration; the actual number of enemy units depends on your infiltration rate (for more information, see the Infiltration page). In general, at 0% infiltration, the number will be several steps higher than the baseline; at 200% infiltration, it will be a few steps lower. These steps are dependent on mission type and do not necessarily correspond to one Enemy Activity Level per step.

Mission Table

This table compiles the information contained in LW2's configuration files regarding missions. Greater detail of these activites are found in Activity Tables.

MissionMission TypeMission TimerMax SoldiersInfiltrationEvacuationFull Salvage
Hack WorkstationGuerrila Ops8 (Objective)8YesEvac FlareNo
Recover ItemGuerrila Ops8 (Objective)8YesEvac FlareNo
Protect DeviceGuerrila OpsNA8AlertedEvac FlareNo
ExtractCouncil12 (Evac)8Yes (No Concealment)Fixed ExitNo
RescueCouncil18-24 (Evac)8YesFixed ExitNo
Destroy RelayGuerrila Ops12 (Objective)8YesEvac FlareNo
Smash N GrabGuerrila Ops12 (Reinforcements)8Yes (No Concealment)Fixed ExitNo
Neutralize TargetCouncil12 (Evac)8YesFixed ExitNo
Sabotage ADVENT MonumentDefendNA8YesEvac FlareNo
Sabotage Alien FacilitySabotageNA10100%Evac FlareNo
Troop ManeuversLiberationNA8YesEvac FlareYes
Supply Line RaidSupply Line RaidNA8YesEvac FlareYes
Secure UFOSupply Line Raid16 (Reinforcements)8YesEvac FlareYes
TerrorRetaliationNA8 + Haven AdvisorAlertedFixed ExitNo
InvasionDefendNA10 + Haven AdvisorAlertedFixed ExitYes
DefendDefendNA8 + Haven AdvisorAlertedCountdown ExitNo
JailbreakLiberation12 (Evac)8YesFixed ExitNo
RendezvousLiberationNAHaven Advisor + up to 5 rebelsNoEvac FlareYes
Intel RaidLiberationNA8 + Haven Advisor + up to 5 rebelsAlertedEvac FlareNo
Supply ConvoyLiberationNA8 + Haven AdvisorAlertedEvac FlareNo
Recruit RaidLiberationNA8 + Haven AdvisorAlertedCountdown ExitNo
Assault Network TowerLiberationHidden5100%Evac FlareNo
Assault Alien BaseLiberationNA10100%Evac FlareYes
Avenger DefenseDefendNA12AlertedNot AvailableNo
ADVENT BlacksiteGolden PathHidden8100%Fixed ExitNo
ADVENT ForgeGolden PathHidden10100%Fixed ExitNo
ADVENT Psi GateGolden PathNA10100%Evac FlareYes
Central Network BroadcastGolden PathNA8NoNot AvailableNo
Assault Alien FortressGolden PathNA12NoNot AvailableNo


  • Mission Timer
    • This value is increased by + 4 in Rookie difficulty and by +2 in Veteran
    • Objective timers only affect the primary objective. Failing to complete the objective before the timer expires will result in failing the mission but you can still evac your soldiers.
    • Evac timers put an absolute limit on mission duration. Any soldier still on the map when the timer reaches 0 is lost (captured). When the timer reaches 1, the last turn start (there is no "0 turns left" turn).
    • Reinforcement timers are delays before increasingly strong reinforcements start dropping. You can still complete a mission after such a timer reaches zero but it will become harder with each wave. This timer starts only after you break concealment.
    • Several non timed missions (such as the Blacksite and Network Tower) include a hidden reinforcement timer.
  • Infiltration
    • Yes - the squad can infiltrate the site to reduce enemy strength
    • 100% - infiltration needs to reach at least this value before mission can be launched
    • No - squad goes directly into combat, skipping infiltration
    • Alerted - mission starts immediately, no squad concealment, enemies start on yellow alert
  • Evacuation
    • Evac Flare - squad can call the Skyranger to be able to evacuate the mission
    • Fixed Exit - squad has to reach exit area
    • Countdown Exit - squad has to wait until exit area becomes active
  • Full Salvage - if yes, alien corpses and material will be recovered if the battle is won; if no, only actual 'item' loot (such as datapads) is recovered

Generating Missions

Missions spawn automatically as the days pass, and expire after a given window of time. The mission is not visible at this time; the local haven must collect enough intel to reveal the mission. Assigning more resistance members to the "intel" job can make missions considerably easier by discovering missions earlier and allowing more time to infiltrate. A mission's expiration timer starts when it is created, not when it is discovered; most infiltration missions have a base duration of 18 days, which is randomized by a few days each time a mission is created.

Havens each generate "intel points" from having personnel assigned to intel gathering. These points are applied to undiscovered missions in the region at certain update intervals, currently 4 times a day (every 6 hours). Each mission keeps a pool of collected intel points. The difficulty of discovering a certain type of mission is controlled by two numbers: "required intel" and "discovery chance". A mission cannot be detected until you generate intel equal to the "required intel" value. Once the minimum is reached there is a random chance (1/4 of discovery chance) to discover the mission at every update. The probability is based on the mission's "percent chance" stat, multiplied by the number of intel points collected past the required minimum.

There is a flat% detection bonus based on the force level and also based on difficulty. Additionally there is a flat% detection bonus for the first 5 days of a campaign to make detecting the first two missions of a campaign less RNG.

In the table below, a basic level-0 resistance member is defined as one "intel point" per day. A level-1 resistance member is worth 1.5 points, a level-2 is worth 2, and the Avenger scanning is worth 4. A scientist assigned as haven liaison adds an extra 20% bonus to the entire haven. Each faceless reduces overall intel point generation by 3/5/6/7% depending on difficulty (regardless of what job the faceless is doing).

CategoryResearchDataVIPPrisonersLiberation 1
Mission TypesHackingHacking, DestroyRescue/ExtractJailbreakHacking
Required intel (points)24112822
Discovery Chance (per point)0.85%1.75%0.9%1.4%2%

Example: A haven with six level-0 resistance members and one level-1 assigned to intel, plus a scientist liaison, generates 9 "points" per day. The first mission in the liberation chain spawns. The haven can't detect this mission until it generates 22 points, which takes just under 2.5 days.

One day after that, the haven has an 4.5% chance to detect the mission: it has 9 intel points in the pool (subtracting out the 22 needed for the required intel) times 2 per point, resulting in 18 discovery chance which means you'll have 4.5% chance to detect the mission every 6 hours. One day later, the haven has 18 points and has a 36 discovery chance (9% to detect every 6 hours).

Types of Missions

The type of mission affects a variety of factors: what the primary objective is, what type of rewards will be received, how long the squad has to complete the objective, how strong of a force the enemy will tend to field relative to other missions in the region, whether the squad starts concealed or not, and even where the squad can extract from.

Perhaps the most important factor is whether or not a squad needs to infiltrate or not, and how long the squad has to do it. For more information on infiltration mechanics, see the Infiltration page for details.

Guerrilla Operations

These missions will generate regularly regardless of ADVENT activity in a region. XCOM will infiltrate some city and complete some useful objective, typically acquiring personnel and/or intel in the process.

  • Jailbreak – XCOM must infiltrate an ADVENT jail and rescue 2-4 prisoners. Success will add them to the region's Haven. At least one must be saved for the mission to be a success (any others are optional/extra). Concealed Start.
    • Prisoners can be new soldiers if the region already has a large number of rebels.
  • Rescue VIP - Two variants;
    • XCOM must lead a VIP (a soldier, scientist, or engineer) to the extraction point. Revealed Start.
    • XCOM must secure a vehicle containing the VIP, free them, then lead them to the extraction point. Concealed Start
  • Hack a Workstation - XCOM must hack a particular workstation. Awards intel upon completion. Concealed Start.
  • Capture or Kill VIP - XCOM must capture or kill an enemy VIP and then extract from the mission. The VIP has Shadowstep so that they cannot be killed by inadvertent reaction attacks. This mission may or may not contain faceless but we are unable to detect them and won't reflect in the detected baseline enemy activirty. Concealed Start
  • Smash and Grab - Raid ADVENT warehouses/depots to obtain resources. There are two types:
    • Extract Crates - XCOM must mark crates spread throughout the field so that Firebrand can receive them and then evac once . You must acquire at least 4 crates for the mission to be successful. When the squad is revealed, ADVENT will be marking 2 crates every other turn to recover them but can be overrided with our own marks. After the squad is revealed, ADVENT will continuously send reinforcements after 7 turns to stop you in which you must evac. Concealed Start
    • Seize ADVENT resource cache - XCOM must infiltrate an ADVENT warehouse and recover at least one of 5-6 crates throughout the building. After 12 turns, ADVENT will continuously send reinforcements to stop you in which you must evac to escape. After FL7, there is a 10% chance larger warehouses can be found which will have 2 additional crates to recover. Revealed Start
  • Destroy an Alien Relay - XCOM must destroy an alien's relay before it completes transferring data. There are two types:
    • Destroy Relay - XCOM must find and destroy the relay within 12 turns before it completes transferring data.
    • Sabotage Transmitter - XCOM must find and plant an X4 in order to be able to destroy the transmitter before it completes transferring data. There is only 4 turns before it completes but there are small power nodes spread throughout the mission that can be destroyed granting 1 additional turn to get to the transmitter.

Retaliation Missions

Retaliation missions trigger with increasing frequency and severity as XCOM takes action in a particular region and draws attention towards it. Retaliation missions have no infiltration timer. The Haven Advisor of a region, if a soldier, will typically be present at these missions, alongside various resistance personnel outfitted with the basic weapons and equipment that rookie XCOM personnel deploy with.

  • Rendezvous: When XCOM rescues or recruits resistance members, there is a chance that they may be Faceless; when Faceless disguised as members of the Resistance is detected as they go to meet with their ADVENT handlers, Resistance personnel from the local haven will deploy to the scene and hunt them down. You will not be able to arm or equip a squad to this mission. XCOM must detect Faceless by stationing a soldier as the Haven advisor. Concealed Start.
  • Supply Convoy: XCOM must deploy a squad to defend a supply convoy and its Resistance personnel from ADVENT attacks. No concealment.
  • Intel Raid: ADVENT attacks a Resistance listening post and XCOM must deploy a squad to defend its equipment and Resistance personnel. No concealment.
  • Recruitment Raid: ADVENT forces attack Resistance recruiters within a region. XCOM must deploy a squad and extract those Resistance members. No concealment.
  • Full Retaliation: XCOM must defend the Haven and it's Resistance members against an onslaught of ADVENT forces until the Skyranger can get into position for extraction. This mission usually comes in two parts.
    • Retaliation 1: This will be a destroy the relay mission but the briefing will state that ADVENT is searching for the haven and that you need to prevent a DATA LEAK. Completing this mission keeps the haven safe. (If you don't detect this mission, you go straight to a full retaliation.)
    • Full retaliation (Retaliation 2): XCOM must defend the Haven. This mission comes in two different flavours:
  1. Many ADVENT in the AO trying to kill members of your resistance haven. You must rush to kill them to save resistance members. This mission will not yield corpses.
  2. ADVENT drops unlimited reinforcements and you must rally all resistance members and soldiers to the EVAC zone to save them. This mission will also not yield corpses.
  • Region Invasion: ADVENT attempts to retake a liberated region by assaulting a city center. XCOM must destroy a psionic relay that summons continuous reinforcements, then eliminate any remaining forces. No concealment.

Liberation Missions

As part of its attempts to liberate a region from ADVENT control, XCOM will conduct a set sequence of five operations. The early missions are difficult to detect and the later missions receive an substantial bonus to activity level, over and above the strength value of the region. The liberation missions 1 to 3 are clearly marked with the word "Liberation" (which was not the case in LW2).

  • Liberation 1: Hack Objective. Concealed Start.
  • Liberation 2: Rescue Defector. XCOM must rescue or extract a VIP from a city location and move to the extraction point. This mission has a +1 strength modifier meaning there will be more enemies than normal. Concealed start or Revealed based on mission type
  • Liberation 3: Hinder ADVENT Operations. This mission has a +2 strength modifier meaning there will be more enemies than normal. There are potential mission types:
    • Capture or Kill VIP
    • Destroy the Relay
  • Liberation 4 - Regional Network Tower Liberation: XCOM must deploy to and liberate an ADVENT network tower. This will not expire once unlocked, and is quite difficult. A small squad (up to five soldiers) must hack a console at the far end of the map. Doing so disables the reinforcement timer and stuns all remaining enemies for 2 turns. The mission ends only when there are no remaining enemies, and reinforcements will come rapidly once the alarm is raised. Concealed Start.
  • Liberation 5 - ADVENT Facility Assault: XCOM must deploy to and overtake a well-defended ADVENT facility. This will not expire once unlocked, and is quite difficult. Concealed Start.

Note that failing or skipping a liberation mission does not reset the path. You'll just have to detect it again (unless it's the tower or base, which are persistent once you unlock them).

After Liberation 2 is completed, ADVENT's desired Strength in the region is increased by 1, effectively equal to having a Vigilance one higher than displayed in-game.

Liberating a region adds 1 Vigilance to all unliberated regions world-wide. Adjacent regions receive an additional 1-2 Vigilance.

UFO Hunt

ADVENT may launch a dark event that sends a UFO to hunt the avenger. After 6-14 days, the UFO intercepts the avenger in which there is a 50% chance to avoid them. If successful, an avenger defense launches requiring XCOM to defend itself and destroy the spike emitting EMP preventing the avenger from escaping. The mission must be completed in order for XCOM to escape and continue the fight or all is lost. Once a campaign has experienced at least one avenger defense mission, any future UFO hunts have a 0/25/35/50% (based on difficulty) chance to intercept the avenger.

A UFO may also be launched once XCOM completes a story mission objective (blacksite/forge/psi gate) with a 25/75/100% chance respectively and this can only occur once meaning that, for example, if the blacksite has triggered a hunt, then completing the psi gate will not trigger another. These UFOs are guaranteed to intercept the avenger unless one has already occured in which it uses the interception chances after the first listed above.

Collecting Enemy Corpses

Long War 2 uses the correct term for military equipment and supplies: materiel.

Most missions in Long War 2 require you to evacuate and you do not keep the bodies of fallen ADVENT or Aliens. As corpses are much more valuable in Long War 2 players should make special consideration for missions which do allow them to keep the corpses of fallen foes.

The following mission types allow collection of enemy materiel:

  • Ambush troop column: Ambush a small ADVENT troop column and clear the area of hostiles, Succeeding this will reduce the region's strength by 1. Can only be detected if the region is at least of strength 4.
  • Supply convoy ambush: Disrupt Advent supply transports and destroy ADVENT troops. Succeeding this will prevent strength from being transported into the region but greatly increase vigilance.
  • Invasion: Advent attempts to re-establish their psionic network in the region and launches a full scale attack against the resistance. You must clear the area of hostiles and rescue any resistance leaders while also defending against continuous reinforcements until the emitter is destroyed.
  • Rendezvous: Disrupt an ADVENT rendezvous with the faceless spy. The assigned soldier advisor along with up to 5 resistance leaders joins to remove the spy while also eliminating their contacts.
  • Regional HQ assault: Assault the regional HQ to remove the General in the region and reclaim the area from the aliens control and removing them from the region. If the General is eliminated all enemies will converge to your location in an attempt to eliminate you. This will also occur if there are less than 8 enemies left in the area.
  • Secure UFO: Secure the landed UFO by eliminating all hostiles in the area. When revealed, a distress beacon is activated and must be stopped. Failure to do so will have reinforcements called in forcing a retreat and the inability to secure the UFO and its resources. Succeeding this will grant 1 avenger power while also preventing the aliens from increasing the global strength level.

It should be noted that while Smash N Grab missions list Enemy Material as their reward, they no longer allow the collection of corpses from the battlefield. Unlike the five missions listed above, material recovered from Smash N Grabs is not dependent on the state of the battlefield, only on the number of ADVENT Resource Caches successfully retrieved. The Resource Caches can provide Alloys, Elerium, Elerium Cores, or Supplies, but not corpses.


As Vahlen has taught us, explosives destroy all recoverable materiel when delivering the killing blow as both a possible loot drop and the corpse will be destroyed. Flamethrowers also destroy corpses if the initial hit kills the target, though burning damage will leave a collectible corpse and drop timed loot if carried. Consider using the Needle Grenades perk for grenadiers if you are in need of explosives use.

It may be beneficial to sabotage your infiltration percentage to increase the enemy presence if you feel you will be victorious. You are allowed to start any infiltration mission early from the Geoscape. Note that enemy readiness will also be boosted if you begin prematurely, increasing their detection range, evac delay, and reinforcements strength. For supply convoys, troop columns and UFOs, enemies also gain a flat aim and defense bonus with their HP multiplied based on infiltration in intervals of 25% (0-24/25-49/50-74/75-99). Although there is great reward in acquiring plenty of corpses, it is important to be wary of the great risks involved that may be more harmful than its worth.

Missions (LWOTC) - UFOpaedia (2024)
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